Sports Physical & Women’s Health Services vouchers

Special Olympics Minnesota is excited to announce that we will be continuing our Sports Physical (PDF) and Women’s Health Services (PDF) discounts with CVS/Minute Clinic for 2024!  Please note that the prices of the physicals will vary based on the time of year:

June 16-Sept. 13: $59
Find a CVS near you

Our goal is to make health and fitness more accessible.

Despite severe need and higher health risks, people with intellectual disabilities (ID) are often denied health services and die on average 16 years sooner than the general population.

Special Olympics Health, made possible by the Golisano Foundation and in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is creating a world where people with intellectual disabilities have every opportunity to be healthy.

Inclusive health means people with intellectual disabilities are able to take full advantage of the same health programs and services available to people who do not have disabilities. Our athletes face significant challenges in accessing quality healthcare, fitness and wellness, resulting in pronounced health disparities and reduced life expectancy. Special Olympics’ health programming focuses on improving the physical and social-emotional wellbeing of people with intellectual disabilities by making healthcare and health systems more inclusive.

In Minnesota, we are committed to improving the health of individuals with intellectual disabilities by promoting fitness and providing free health screenings.


Inclusive fitness is key to a healthy community. Special Olympics Minnesota offers a few different fitness programs for athletes, Unified partners and anyone interested!

Healthy Athletes

In an effort to combat health disparities and keep athletes performing at their best, Special Olympics Minnesota offers free health screenings and education at Healthy Athletes events.

Health care provider directory

Are you looking for care in any of our 8 Healthy Athletes disciplines? Our Provider Directory includes contact information for individuals and companies/organizations that can help you. The Directory will be updated as we receive new recommendations.

Do you know anyone who should be added to the list? Contact Jeff Prendergast, Health Programs Manager, at [email protected].

In the news

SOMN Staff Present “End Exclusion: Building Inclusive Health Systems for People with Disabilities” at Spring Conference
June 13, 2023 – Two Special Olympics Minnesota staff members presented at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Health Care Homes Learning Days conference in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

Special Olympics Minnesota Athlete Sits Down With “Health Chatter” Podcast
June 12, 2023 – Health Chatter is a podcast for people young, old and professional and from various backgrounds. It is intended to bring to light through open conversation the health concerns and questions we all face.

One Special Olympics Athlete is Changing Perspectives on HealthPartners Community Advisory Council
May 4, 2023 – “This council has been designed to help bridge the gaps in healthcare and research. I am a voice for people with intellectual disabilities, and I am changing their perspective!”