
SOfit can be used at group homes, day centers, centers for independent living, community ed programs and within our SOMN delegations.

SOfit is a program that will help you improve and protect the health and wellness of people with and without intellectual disabilities. The responsibility to take care of our health is personal, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone.

SOfit focuses on four pillars of health and wellness: emotionalphysicalnutrition and social.  We do this by offering resources and funds for organizations to implement the four pillars of health that will work the best for them.


  • SOfit Resource Guide
  • Activity & equipment recommendations
  • Funding to help implement activities (delegations may use their Centralized Account)
  • Additional SOfit curriculum available by request


  • Schedule an instructor to teach a class
  • Take a field trip related to a health topic
  • Lead group activities with the guidebook

Want to try SOfit?

Reach out to Health Programs Coordinator Jack Dobbs at [email protected] or 763.270.7167 and we’ll set up a meeting to discuss SOfit and how to get started.

Fit 5

Athletes want to perform their best at every competition, so you need to feel at your best. Fit 5 is a plan for physical activity, nutrition, and hydration. It can improve your health and fitness to make you the best athlete you can be!

Health Pledge with Fit 5

For SOMN delegations to incorporate into their practice.

You and your athletes work hard to perform your best. Take it to the next level by taking the Health Pledge and committing to three basic healthy habits at your practices!

How to take the Health Pledge

  1. Opt in! Check the Health Pledge checkbox when registering for a competition. No follow-up forms, scores or extra work is needed.
  2. Get to work! Promote health at your practices by following three basic guidelines from Fit 5:
    • Exercise at each practice.
    • Only eat healthy snacks at practice
    • Only drink water at practice.

Download Fit 5 Health Pledge flyer (PDF)

At-home participation

Fit 5 doesn’t end at practice. You can use these three healthy habits at home every day!