SO Together: Understanding Autism

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Understanding Autism & Inclusive Practices for All is an opportunity to learn about common characteristics of people with autism spectrum disorder and to get valuable insight into evidence-based ways to support our autistic community members in a variety of settings. All information in this training is directly informed by the Minnesota ASD community and has been developed by members of the autism and neurotypical communities.

Presenter Bio
Mike Pucci is an Education Specialist with the Autism Society of Minnesota. In this role, Mike develops specialized trainings and delivers them to businesses, educators, families and more. In addition to trainings, Mike also coordinates and oversees social skills programming for children and young adults on the autism spectrum. Prior to joining the Autism Society of Minnesota, he worked for Minneapolis Public Schools in their adult transitional programs and lead adaptive recreation programming for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.


June 15, 2021
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


SO Together Staff


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