Sunday, October 29, 2023 | 10 AM-2 PM

Radisson Blu Mall of America, Bloomington, MN


Between making appointments, arranging transportation and navigating insurance, accessing quality, inclusive healthcare for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities is not easy! Join Special Olympics Minnesota at Radisson Blu on October 29 for FREE health screenings from licensed medical professionals. No appointments or insurance needed!

Free screenings will include vision, hearing, dental, physical therapy, mental health, sports physicals and flu and health and community resources. Each screening is led by a licensed medical professional or medical student who is trained to work with individuals with disabilities.

Individuals who complete 4 or more screenings will receive a $50 Finish Line gift card and a FREE pass to SEA LIFE at the Mall of America!

Flu & COVID vaccine pre-registration required!

QR code to register for flu and COVID vaccine shots

With the support of MDH and Keystone Interpreting Services, we will be offering both flu and COVID vaccines at the Health Fair. In order to receive one or both of these shots, YOU MUST REGISTER FOR THE VACCINES PRIOR TO THE EVENT. If you do not pre-register, you WILL NOT receive a vaccine. You CANNOT pre-register after Saturday, October 28. If you do not pre-register prior to the event, you can still receive information on upcoming opportunities to receive the shots, education about the vaccines and a vaccine kit (while supplies last).

Event details

  • Registration not required, although we do prefer you let us know you are coming by completing the RSVP form.
  • Participants will be asked to complete a short Special Olympics Healthy Athletes consent form at the event; no additional paperwork is needed.
  • Each screening takes 15-25 minutes.
  • Free parking is available at the Mall of America ramps. (Please note that the Radisson Blu parking lot costs $20/day.)
  • For groups that need to travel via bus or van, limited transportation stipends are available. Reach out for questions.
  • Additional education and resources will be on site.
  • Questions? Contact Jeff at [email protected].

Volunteer opportunities

Screenings available

Free prostate cancer screening

A simple blood test can help detect prostate cancer. This screening from the Minnesota Urology Foundation will be available at the Health Fair 10 AM-2 PM. You’ll receive your mailed results by November 5. Bring your father, brothers, neighbors and friends!
Learn more about the prostate cancer screening

Fit Feet – podiatry

Fit Feet offers podiatric screenings to evaluate ankles, feet, lower extremity biomechanics, and proper shoe and sock gear to participating athletes. Many athletes suffer from foot and ankle pain or deformities that impair their performance.

FUNfitness – physical therapy

FUNfitness is the physical therapy discipline of Healthy Athletes that addresses the ongoing health needs of Special Olympics athletes. FUNfitness provides athletes the opportunity to be screened for flexibility of hamstring, calf, shoulder rotator and hip flexor muscles; functional strength of the abdominal and lower extremity muscles; and balance.

Healthy Hearing – audiology

Healthy Hearing is changing lives in communities by providing free hearing screenings and other medical services, including ear wax removal, swim molds, hearing aid maintenance and minor repairs for people with intellectual disabilities. Most athletes’ hearing problems are previously undetected, un-served or under-treated. Hearing loss negatively impacts communication ability, quality of life, social interactions and health.

MedFest – sport physical

MedFest was created to offer the physical exam that all athletes need prior to participating in Special Olympics sports programming. It is sometimes the first exposure these athletes have to medical care.

Opening Eyes – vision

The Special Olympics Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes program is changing lives in communities across the globe by providing comprehensive eye assessments, prescription eyewear, sunglasses and sports goggles to Special Olympics athletes and people with intellectual disabilities in general.

Special Smiles – dental

The Special Smiles discipline of Healthy Athletes provides comprehensive oral health care information, including offering free dental screenings and instructions on correct brushing and flossing techniques to participating Special Olympics athletes.

Strong Minds – mental health

Strong Minds focuses on mental health and helps athletes to develop adaptive coping skills like maintaining emotional wellness under stress, thinking positive thoughts, managing stress and connecting with others.

Jeff Prendergast
Health Programs Coordinator
[email protected]