More information
In order to be eligible for Special Olympics Minnesota, individuals must be eight years of age or older and have an intellectual disability. If an individual is eligible, please complete the application, official Special Olympics athlete consent form and Healthy Athletes consent form (all included in the full athlete application (PDF)). Please note that some portions of these forms must be completed and signed by a licensed medical practitioner.
Upon receiving completed forms, we will send you an email or letter with a list of delegations you might be able to join based on age, location and sports of interest. This information will be sent directly to the athlete and/or their parent or guardian. The athlete/parent/guardian may then contact the head of the delegation and discuss details of their particular team.
What you can expect of your Special Olympics Minnesota experience:
- All sports have components or events designed for all ability levels.
- During each sport, delegations train a minimum of 1 hour each week for 8‐10 weeks. Some delegations may train more often.
- Minnesota is divided into 13 geographical areas. In most sports in most areas, a regional competition is held at the end of the season. State competitions are offered in all sports. If an area event is offered, athletes must participate in that event to participate at the state competition.